تفاصيل الدورة

Do you want to increase your intuition by learning how to dowse without using a pendulum?

Do you want to use muscle testing and kinesiology techniques to getting answers to even the most hidden questions and situations?

Then you're in the right place!

If you want to learn dowsing techniques using your body, your fingers and even your eyelashes, then you've come to the right place.

Whether you're in a business meeting, on a dinner date or standing in line at the grocery store, this course will teach you how to ask your subconscious any question about the other person or the situation in the most discrete way. 

No one will see or know what you're doing but everyone will be amazed at how you just seem to KNOW.

No longer wonder if the other person is pulling your leg, lying to you or straight up misleading you down a path of no return. 

  • Know when you're being told the truth, know when you're being told a lie.
  • Know the best path to take, no matter the situation. 
  • Know which decision will lead to the most beneficial outcome for all parties involved.
  • Know if the person you're dating is really the right person for you.
  • Know which employee to hire or which person to go into a business partnership with.
  • Know when to ask for a raise and how much to ask for.
  • Know what foods are good for you and what causes you allergies.
  • Know if now is the time to move, buy a house, or sell everything and move across the ocean to a far-away land.
  • And so much more!

Learn how to dowse without using a pendulum, by tuning into your body's most subtle electric currents. You'll be amazed at how easy and quick you'll find answers to just about anything that you want to know.

Save time, save money, save heart-aches and frustrations!

Find the quickest, most successful route to all life circumstances. Make more money, attract happier relationships and increase your intuitive language skills.

COURSE COMPLETION BONUS: Complete 100% of this course and you'll receive a special course completion bonus with additional exercises to help practice your new skill.

SPECIAL NOTE: While not absolutely required, it helps if you have taken Dowsing courses No. 1 and 2 and Increase Your Intuition Using EFT. These courses can help in expanding your intuitive channels to help make the programming of this course content quicker and more pleasurable.

تحديث بتاريخ 22 March, 2018
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