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New Skills Academy Converting Leads into Sales Certificate New Skills Academy

تفاصيل الدورة

Converting Leads into Sales Certificate

The entire sales landscape has changed dramatically in the last decade. As a result, businesses are seeking new strategies and shifting sales models: pushing for streamlined internal sales processes which require significant changes to roles, skills, technology and organisational structure.Businesses, and individuals, that learn to thrive in this rapidly changing and dynamic environment can grasp the huge opportunity to dynamically respond to changing customer requirements. Customer centric and internally aligned sales and service models lead the way for a new approach to selling, which genuinely supports customers to purchase products aligned to their needs - increasing trust, loyalty and revenue.This course has been designed for sales staff at all levels to help you understand, respond and thrive under modern and dynamic sales models. The course covers key concepts vital to understanding and implementing processes which drive competitor advantage and increase market share. The information presented is supported by practical examples, templates and opportunities to develop and practice the skills, aptitudes and concepts needed to successfully sell to today’s savvy consumer in saturated global markets.The skills, tools and knowledge contained in this course will take you through the essential knowledge, psychology, practical steps and personal development needed to optimise your sales opportunities and convert leads into sales. Worksheets, quizzes, tests and interactive exercises are provided to reinforce and aid your learning.

What you will learn:

  • How sales and service roles have changed and the immense opportunities this presents
  • How to support and manage internet savvy and highly informed modern consumers
  • Why sales people need to reframe products and services as solutions to customer problems
  • How to use effective questioning to qualify leads and gather vital information about needs
  • How to direct the buying journey and successfully input at each stage
  • Simple techniques for resolving objections and ensuring the prospect is ready to close
  • How and why gaining trust is so vital under the influence of social media
  • The concepts of lead scoring and how it is used to optimise effort and maximise profitability

Benefits of taking this course:

  • Feel more confident understanding the psychology, emotions and behaviours of customers
  • Learn how to effectively position appropriate products to upsell and cross-sell
  • Discover how to maintain confident communication when dealing with difficult customers
  • Acquire practical methods to build trust and develop productive relationships
  • Eliminate the fear of asking for commitment and getting sales
  • Develop call structure and customisable templates for multiple correspondence types
  • Enhance and optimise linguistic and conversational skills to aid clear communication
Taking this course will empower individuals and organisations to respond effectively to change and implement dynamic customer-centric sales processes which are ethical, effective and highly profitable. تحديث بتاريخ 08 July, 2018

وظائف مناسبة لهذه الدورة

Converting Leads into Sales Certificate

نبذة عن معهد New Skills Academy

?Iفي نوفمبر 2013 ، تم طرح سؤال واحد: ماذا تريد أن تتعلم؟

من هناك ، ولدت رؤية توفر دورة تدريبية شاملة وعالية الجودة وبأسعار معقولة عبر الإنترنت. كان الاسم وراء تلك الرؤية أكاديمية المهارات الجديدة. عندما يتعلق الأمر بالمدارس عبر الإنترنت ، يوجد الكثير ، ولكن في أكاديمية المهارات الجديدة نميز أنفسنا بين المنافسة بتفاننا في تحقيق أهدافك طويلة الأجل.

إذا كنت تدخل سوق العمل لأول مرة ، أو تبحث عن وظيفة جديدة ، فسوف نقدم لك الدعم السريع والكفء عبر الإنترنت الذي تحتاجه لجعل أحلامك حقيقة واقعة.

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