تفاصيل الدورة

Day One
Human resources management

· Towards a modern definition
· The main functions in HR management
· Competency-based HR management
· HR deliverables: a model for multiple roles
· HR as business partner
· HR competencies: moving from traditional HR to strategic HR
The strategic role of human resources
· The evolution of HR into a strategic function
· Steps to building the strategic role of human resources
· Policies and procedures as the cornerstone in strategizing human resources
Day Two
Basic writing tips

· Writing in an impersonal style
· Organizing paragraphs and sentences
· Using simple, specific and positive language
· Using active verbs
· Applying easy and effective grammatical rules
· The gunning fox index for writing complexity
Day Three
Human resources policies and procedures

· Nature and importance of policies and procedures
· Policies versus procedures
· Why are HR policies and procedures required?
· Expressing values in HR policies and procedures
· Importance of statutory inclusions
· Formulating HR policies and procedures
· A partial list of policies
· Contents and sections of a policy
· Practical policy writing activities
Day Four
Development of human resources procedures

· Defining processes and procedures
· Differences between processes and procedures
· Considerations in developing processes and procedures
· Building your process
· Use of flowchart symbols
· Writing detailed procedures to support process maps
· Main considerations in developing HR procedures
· The development process
· Developing HR procedures - practical application
Day Five
Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS)

· Introduction and briefing
· Relating HRMS to policies and procedures
· The various applications
· Oracle human resources management system
· Sap human resources management system
· Other options
  تحديث بتاريخ 16 May, 2024


There are no eligibility requirements to attend this course.

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