تفاصيل الدورة

The aims of the programme are to cover aspects of caring for the older person such as

  • The impact and difficulties of aging,
  • The role of the health care assistant
  • Preparation for retirement
  • The needs of the older person
  • Illness and dementia
  • The role of members of the healthcare team
  • Focus on older people's needs to include physical, social, emotional, psychological, recreational, financial, environmental and spiritual
  • Look at services that are available for older people to include education, lifelong learning, retirement/the workplace and leisure
  • Analyse of the roles of the health care assistant in promoting positive attitudes to ageing and of statutory and voluntary agencies in promoting the wellbeing of older people
تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015

نبذة عن معهد Moate Business College

We_They provides further education - often referred to as 'post leaving certificate' or 'PLC' courses – to the population of the Irish midlands. From small beginnings in 1991 the college has grown to its current maximum capacity of almost 500 full-time students. 

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