C++ Programming G-Tec Computer Education Centre
السعر: 1,350 SGD

    تفاصيل الدورة

    In this course we are starting from the fundamentals and covering in deeper Concepts of Object Oriented Programming. This course is a collection of examples and case studies .At the end of the course we are providing a Small Project Work (Case Study), so the students will get in -depth knowledge of the implementation of the Programming concept in real world applications.

    Course Content

    Module1:Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming

    • Introduction to Class and Object
    • Procedure-oriented Programming Concepts
    • Object-oriented Programming Concepts

    Module 2: Basics of C++

    • Data Type
    • Variables
    • Constants
    • Operators
    • Comments in C++

    Module 3: Statements in C++

    • Assignment Statement
    • Input and Output Statement
    • Control Statement
    • Selection or Conditional Statement
    • Iteration or Looping Statements
    • Breaking Control Statements

    Module 4:Functions

    • Function declaration
    • Function definition
    • Function call
    • Parameter Passing Mechanism
    • Recursive function

    Module 5: Arrays

    • Array declaration
    • Single dimension arrays
    • Multidimensional arrays
    • Character arrays
    • Arrays and Functions

    Module 6: Union and Bit Fields

    • Declaration of a structure
    • Initialization of a Structure
    • Array within structure
    • Union
    • Bit Field

    Module 7: Pointers

    • Declaration of a Pointer
    • Initializing Pointers
    • Pointer Arithmetic
    • Pointers and Arrays
    • Arrays of Pointers
    • Pointers and Strings
    • Pointers and Functions
    • Pointers to Pointers
    • Dynamic Memory Management

    Module 8:Class and Object

    • Declaration of a Class
    • Defining the Member Functions
    • Creating the Objects, Class & Arrays
    • Objects and Functions
    • Friend Functions
    • Pointers and Objects

    Module 9:Constructor and Destructors

    • Structure of a Constructor
    • Types of Constructors
    • Destructors

    Module 10: Inheritance

    • Structure of Inheritance
    • Importance of Inheritance
    • Types of Inheritance
    • Constructor Invocation in Inheritance
    • Destructor under Inheritance

    Module 11: Polymorphism

    • Types of Polymorphism
    • Compile-Time Polymorphism
    • Run-Time Polymorphism
    • Virtual Destructor

    Module 12: Template and Exception Handling

    • Declaration of a Function Template
    • Exception Handling
    • Try, Catch and Throw
    • Exception Generated by the Function
    • Multiple catch Blocks
    • Single catch Block for All Exceptions

    Module 13: File Organization

    • Stream
    • Basic Operations with Files
    • Binary Files
    • Random Access Files
    • Error Handling in Files
    • File Pointers and Random Access

    Module 14: Preprocessor Directives and I/O

    • C++ Stream
    • Preprocessor Directives
    • Header Files
    • Manipulators
    • Unformatted I/O Functions
    • Character Testing and Conversion Functions
    • String Manipulation Function
    تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015

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