Big Data Hadoop and Spark Developer
السعر: 76,720 INR

    تفاصيل الدورة

    • Big Data & Spark Overview 
    • Overview of Big data and its challenges 
    • Spark Architecture Overview 
    • Installing and Configuring Spark 
    • Quick Overview of SCALA Language 
    • Spark Architecture - Deep Dive 
    • Using Spark Shell 
    • Understanding Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), Types of RDDs 
    • Working with RDD Actions & Transformations 
    • Complete Flow of a spark program 
    • Deploying to Spark Standalone & Hadoop Cluster 
    • Using Web UI for monitoring & managing Spark Applications 
    • Hands On 
    • Spark APIs & Usages 
    • Working with Key-value pairs using Spark APIs 
    • Overview of RDD lineage, Caching and Persistence 
    • Share Variables: Accumulators and Broadcast Variables 
    • Integrating with different data sources including HDFS 
    • Logging & Unit Testing 
    • Track Spark jobs stages for Investigation and Troubleshooting 
    • Hands On 
    • Working with Advanced Spark Features 
    • Working with DataFrames & Spark SQLs 
    • Hive & RDD Integrations 
    • Working with different data formats: Structured and Unstructured 
    • Hands On 
    • Writing Spark Streaming Applications 
    • Spark Streaming Overview 
    • Understanding Streaming Operations 
    • Sliding Window Operations 
    • Developing Spark Streaming Applications 
    تحديث بتاريخ 27 June, 2018
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