تفاصيل الدورة
The practice tests will help you in preparation for the AWS Solutions Architect Associate exam. The questions in the tests are based on the exam blue-print and on real-life experience. The tests are multiple choice some with one correct answer and others with multiple correct answers. There is a total of 6 practice tests with 500 questions. The first 5 practice tests are 65 questions each and you get 2 hours to complete similar to the AWS examination. The 6th practice test has 175 question and more time allocated. I went through all the materials for the certification exam and generated questions for all the topics. You should take all 6 tests and pass them with 90% before you sit for the actual AWSexam. Ihave included a large number of questions to make sure you can work as an architect once you get your certification and not just to pass the exam.
Please take the practice tests as often as you need to until you become comfortable with all the materials covered. Also, Iwould suggest focusing your studies on the areas you're missing most questions on.
Good luck to you and Ilook forward to hearing your feedback; and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
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