تفاصيل الدورة
The training program outlined below will assist the delegates to meet the stated training outcomes. The order in which elements of the training program are delivered may vary. To make efficient us of time and ensure effective learning there should. Wherever practicable, be an integration of the three phase of explanation, demonstration and practicable. Full use should be made of visual/audio visual aids and course handout material.
On successful completion of the training,… + المزيد
تفاصيل الدورة
The training program outlined below will assist the delegates to meet the stated training outcomes. The order in which elements of the training program are delivered may vary. To make efficient us of time and ensure effective learning there should. Wherever practicable, be an integration of the three phase of explanation, demonstration and practicable. Full use should be made of visual/audio visual aids and course handout material.
On successful completion of the training, the delegate will be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
- Confined space criteria
- The hazard of operations within an oxygen deficient, toxic or flammable environment
- Carrying out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment
- Using safe system of work
- The implications of organizational and statuary requirements
- Interpreting operational requirements
- Selecting and using PPE and RPE
- Working within the permit to work system
- The operating principles of atmosphere monitoring and measuring equipment
- Gas detector pre start checks
- Calibrating the instruments used in atmospheric testing
- How to set up the relevant detector for each gas testing application
- The behavior of different flammable and toxic gas
- The range and frequency of tests
- Acceptable levels of flammable and toxic gases
- Performing gas tests in sequence
- Obtaining a representative atmosphere sample
- Monitoring and retesting
- Where to site ongoing monitoring equipment
- Interpreting and documenting the results
Training Content
Element 1 – Testing in Confined Space
Give and explanation of:
- Confined space criteria
- Limited openings for entry and exit
- Unfavorable natural ventilation
- Not designed for continues worker occupancy
- The type of production operation being tested for flammable and toxic gases
- The potential cumulative hazards of operations within an oxygen deficient, toxic or flammable environment
- Carrying out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment before testing activities and confined space entry
- Using safe systems of work including
- Appointment of a supervisor
Entry permits
Testing and continuous monitoring of the air
using observers to raise the alarm and initiate emergency response
Element 2 – Relevant Legislative Controls
Give and explanation of:
- The implications of organizational and statutory requirements with respect to gas testing – to include HASAWA,Confined space regulations,COSHH and the relevant codes of practice and PFEER
- The fact that the owner is responsible to make the confined space safe for entry
- How to interpret operational requirements – to include policies, procedures, instructions, codes of practice nd standards
- How to select, use and care for PPE for different toxic and flammable gases through risk assessment
- Consideration of appropriate levels of respiratory protective equipment
- How to work both with and within the permit to work system
Element 3 – Atmosphere measuring and monitoring equipment
Give and explanation of:
- How to access and interpret the relevant operational instructions
- The operating principles of atmosphere monitoring and measuring equipment and frequently observed failure modes
- The strengths and weakness of the various types of atmospheric flammable and toxic gas detection equipment – to include transportable, portable and personal monitors
- How to correctly select between aspirating and non- aspirating detectors to obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested
- Equipment required in inert atmosphere
- Gas detector pre – start checks
- Calibrating the instruments used in atmospheric testing
Element 4 – Gas testing in confined spaces
Give and explanation of:
- The hazards and properties of flammable and toxic gases including oxygen deficiency and enrichment, nitrogen and specialist materials appropriate to the location
- The behavior of different gases – to include heavier than air & lighter than air behavior and “neutral buoyancy” effect.
- The range and frequency of test
- Acceptable levels of flammable and toxic gases and the correct amount of oxygen
- The implication of WEL for toxic gases and LEL for flammable gases
- How to setup the relevant detector for each gas testing application, its potential failure modes and confirming its correct functioning
- Performing gas testes in sequence: a. oxygen deficient or enriched atmospheres – ensure that proper oxygen levels are present b. flammable atmospheres – ensure that combustible gases are not present c. toxic atmospheres – ensure that toxic gases are below the exposure limit
- How to correctly select between aspirating and non-aspirating detectors to obtain a representative sample of the atmosphere being tested
- How to obtain a representative atmosphere sample from a range of confined spaces
- Taking samples at the top, middle and bottom to locate varying concentrations of gases and vapors
- Sampling confined spaces at a distance from the opening because air intrusion near the entrance can give a false sense of adequate oxygen present
- Testing flammable gases in inert atmosphere
- Monitoring and retesting after the initial entry 4.14 – where to site ongoing monitoring equipment for vessel entry
Element 5 – Interpreting and documenting the results
Give and explanation of:
- How to interpret the results, to include both normal and abnormal
- how to document the results and advise relevant personnel
تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015 - أقلنبذة عن معهد Tutis
They offer a comprehensive range of certified cTheirses in Health, Safety and Risk and Environmental & Drilling Training
TUTIS is formed in 2012.They offer a comprehensive range of globally recognised, vocationally-related qualifications designed to meet the health, safety, environmental,risk management and drilling certificates needs of all places of work in both the private and public sectors.
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