تفاصيل الدورة
SESSION 11. SDK installation + Android Studio
2 Hello World
3. Gradle
4. Emulators/, Devices
5. Guidance: There will be two tests and two projects
2. Responsive Design
SESSION 3:1. Variables/, Functions/, Classes/, Interfaces/, Static/, Final
2. , Loop print Odd /, Even Numbers
SESSION 4:1. Linear Layout vs Relative Layout
2. Button /, EditText /, Textview/, RadioGroup/, Checkbox/, Views/, Webview (Manifest)
3. Intent
SESSION 5:1. Create Classes (Model Class concept)
… + المزيد تفاصيل الدورة
SESSION 11. SDK installation + Android Studio
2 Hello World
3. Gradle
4. Emulators/, Devices
5. Guidance: There will be two tests and two projects
2. Responsive Design
SESSION 3:1. Variables/, Functions/, Classes/, Interfaces/, Static/, Final
2. , Loop print Odd /, Even Numbers
SESSION 4:1. Linear Layout vs Relative Layout
2. Button /, EditText /, Textview/, RadioGroup/, Checkbox/, Views/, Webview (Manifest)
3. Intent
SESSION 5:1. Create Classes (Model Class concept)
2. ArrayList/, HashMap/, Generics/, <E>
SESSION 6:1. PushExtra
2. SharedPrefrences
3. Task: Login Process
4. HomeWork: SignUp Process
SESSION 7:1. AsyncTask
2. Text Download from HTML URL
2. Image Download from Url
SESSION 8:1. ListView (via ArrayAdapter only)
2. Project: GridView
SESSION 9:1. Json Parsing
SESSION 10:1. CustomListView (BaseAdapter Only)
2. Progress Indicator of ListView
3. Load More Pagination
EXAM 1:Task 1. 40mins : CustomListView (New URL)
Task 2. 40 mins : Pagination/, Progress Indicator
SESSION 11:1. Select /, Insert/, Update /, Delete
2. Sqlite Manager (Create /, Delete/, Truncate)
3. Wild Cards/, Clauses
SESSION 12:1. Google Maps
2. Current Location
SESSION 13:1. DataBase Manager
2. Select Data/, Insert Data
EXAM 2:Customized Task for an app
SESSION 14:1. Normalisation
2. Task :
3 tables (Students/, Subjects/, Marks)
Login of Student/, Subjects/, Marks
ListView of Subjects and Marks
3. Homework: When application starts/, insert current location in database.
SESSION 15:1. Service
2. Task: update location
SESSION 16:1. BroadCast Receiver
2. Task: Get Messages/, Get Calls
ADVANCE: ( 1 Month optional)
1. Third Party Libraries Integration
RetroFit/, Picasso/, Fresco/, GSON
4. Animation
5. Android Watch
6. App Uploading to PlayStore
تحديث بتاريخ 22 January, 2018 - أقل