تفاصيل الدورة
1.1 The programme has been designed for:
Participants who want to gain entry qualification to professional counselling.
Professionals who wish to develop counselling skills and knowledge for application in their work areas such as in health, social services, educational, customer service, human resource and supervisory work settings.
The Psychology component not only prepares students who wish to specialize in Psychology but also for those who are interested in Psychology for their personal growth.
1.2 The programme provides participants with:
A professional entry qualification to counselling and Psychotherapy.
Opportunities for personal growth
Acquisition of crucial interpersonal skills and related knowledge.
The core concepts of psychology theories with in-depth grounding of the main foundational components in psychology.
Examples of case studies to integrate theories with applications.
An understanding of the fundamentals of research methodology where experimental research are connected to practical applications.
An understanding of the ethical and professional issues and consideration of the cultural issues will be discussed.
1.3 The programme aims to:
1.3.1 Counselling Psychology Component –
provide knowledge about major approaches to counselling and psychotherapy.
provide training in counselling skills and practice
introduce the ethical and professional issues faced by counsellors in human service industries.
introduce knowledge and skills in working with different client groups and specific client issues.
1.3.2 Applied Psychology Component
provide the essential knowledge to study the mental processes, behaviour and emotions of children and adults for the purpose of describing, explaining, predicting and controlling behaviours.
provide understanding on the scientific methods needed to study behaviour.
provide knowledge in understanding interpersonal relationships and the relationship with the society through the social-psychological development of personality, language, thought and behaviour.
to understand the biological effects on human behaviours resulting in abnormality
1.4 The programme features:
1.4.1 Counselling Psychology Component –
Integrates the 3 areas salient to counsellor training programmes:
personal growth
theoretical and research-based knowledge in counselling psychology
skills in counselling.
Students are taught a range of counselling skills that can be applied across work settings and client groups.
Focuses on developing counsellor awareness including:
how the student’s interpersonal style affects the counselling process
students learning to reflect and learn from their training experiences.
1.4.2 Applied Psychology Component –
Provides students with the core concepts of psychology theories with in-depth grounding of the main foundational components in psychology
Students are given examples of case studies to integrate theories with applications
Students are taught the fundamentals of research methodology where experimental research is connected to practical applications.
Ethical and professional issues and consideration of the cultural issues will be discussed
2. Teaching Methods and Assessment
The programme will be delivered through lectures, group discussions, practical demonstrations, video presentations, practical and experiential exercises, case studies, and role-plays. Students will be assessed through written assignments, projects, oral presentations, and videotaped counselling project and examination.
3. Admission Requirements
To be eligible for admission to the course, applicants must fulfill the following conditions:
diploma holders in any field
be at least 18 years of age
mature-aged applicants not meeting the admission requirements are invited to apply as the program recognises relevant life experiences that students bring with them.
applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
applicants may need to attend an interview.
4. Programme Modules
Participants are required to complete 6 coursework units that include:
4.1 Foundations of Counselling • Introduction to Counselling
• Counsellor Awareness
• Counselling Skills
• Counselling Process and Model
• Cognitive Interventions
• The Therapeutic Alliance • Ms Jane Eirene Santos
• Mr Tan Choon Hooi, Klein
• Ms Karen Sciberras
• Mdm Tan Lay Geok
4.2 Counselling Psychology: Theory and Practice • Major theories of Counselling and Psychotherapy
• Theory-based Intervention Techniques/Styles
• Human Lifespan Development
• Counselling Specific Client Groups
• Multicultural Issues in Counselling
• Ethical and Professional Issues in Counselling • Ms Jane Eirene Santos
• Mr Tan Choon Hooi, Klein
• Ms Karen Sciberras
• Mdm Tan Lay Geok
4.3 Counselling on Specific Client Issues • Stress
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Grief and Loss
• Self-esteem Issues
• Addiction Issues
• Relationship Issues
• Trauma • Ms Jane Eirene Santos
• Mr Tan Choon Hooi, Klein
• Ms Karen Sciberras
• Mdm Tan Lay Geok
4.4 Introduction to Psychology 1 • History of Psychology
• Brain and Behaviour
• States of Consciousness
• Sensation and Perception
• Learning • Ms Jane Eirene Santos
4.5 Developmental Psychology • Introduction and Prenatal Development
• Infancy and Early Childhood
• Middle Childhood
• Adolescence
• Adulthood
• Late Adulthood • Ms Jane Eirene Santos
4.6 Social Psychology • Personal Perception, Self
• Social Cognition, Attitudes
• Social Influence, Prejudice
• Interpersonal Attraction, Personal Relationships
• Group Behaviour and Gender
• Helping Behaviour and Aggression • Ms Jane Eirene Santos
4.7 Health Psychology • Theoretical Foundation and Research in Health Psychology
• Defining, Measuring and Understanding Stress
• Understanding Pain, and Maintaining with Stress and Pain
• Behaviours and Chronic Disease
• Behavioural Health: Preventing Injuries and Smoking
• Behavioural Health: Alcohol and Other Drugs; Eating/Weight and Exercising • Ms Jane Eirene Santos
4.8 Cognitive Psychology • Perception and Attention
• Sensory Memory, Short-Term Memory and Working Memory
• Long-Term Memory, Everyday Memory and Memory Errors
• Visual Imagery
• Problem Solving
• Reasoning and Decision-Making • Ms Jane Eirene Santos
4.9 Abnormal Psychology • Anxiety Disorders and Somatoform Disorders
• Mood Disorders and Suicide
• Eating and Sleep Disorders
• Substance Related and Impulse-Control Disorders
• Personality Disorders and Schizophrenia
• Development and Cognitive Disorders • Ms Jane Eirene Santos
4.10 Experimental Psychology • Scientific-Psychology
• Research Techniques Observation & Correlation
• Research Techniques Experiments
• Ethics In Psychology Research
• How to Read and Write Research Reports
• Application on Research • Ms Jane Eirene Santos
4.11 Foundations in Psychology 2 • Memory, Thinking and Intelligence
• Emotion and Motivation
• Personality
• Psychological Disorders
• Psychotherapies • Mr Tan Choon Hooi, Klein
4.12 Psychological Measurement • Theory behind Psychological testing and Assessments
• Related legal, ethical and social consideration
• Basic of test construction and evaluation including reliability and validity.
• Various Instruments would be covered in this unit for example Personality • profiling tools, Career test, etc. • Mr Tan Choon Hooi, Klein
4.13 Organization Psychology • Job Analysis and Evaluation
• Employee Selection: Recruiting and Interviewing
• Employee Selection: References and Testing
• Evaluating Selection Techniques and Decisions
• Evaluating Employee Performance
• Designing and Evaluating Training Systems
• Employee Motivation
• Employee Satisfaction and Commitment
• Organizational Communication
• Leadership
• Group Behaviour and Conflict
• Organization Development
• Stress Management • Mr Tan Choon Hooi, Klein
4.14 Practicum • Counselling Contact hours: 10-hours
• Case Management: 22-hours
• Personal Supervision: 6-hours
• Group Supervision: 6-hours
• Counselling Activities: 10-hours
• Personal Journal: 30-hours • Mr Tan Choon Hooi, Klein
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Modules Description
5.1 Foundations of Counselling
This unit provides an introduction and basic training in the nature and processes of counselling. Counselling skills including the microskills on which counselling activity is based such as listening, asking questions, reflecting, and clarifying, will be introduced. Students will be taught how to initiate counselling interactions, develop a counselling relationship and conduct a counselling session. The unit will also introduce the focus on counsellor awareness including students developing a basic awareness of how their own interpersonal styles, beliefs and internal processes affect the counselling process.
Role Play Video
Candidates are to subject themselves to a 30-minute audio recorded counselling session. In this activity, the candidate is to demonstrate their skills in facilitating a pre-intake interview from rapport building into establishing counselling goals.
Students in 1500 words, are to write a self-evaluation of their performance as a counsellor
Ivey A. and Ivey M (2007) Intentional interviewing and counseling, 6th ed. Brooks/Cole CENGAGE Learning.
5.2 Counselling Psychology: Theory and Practice
This unit will introduce major theoretical approaches to counselling and psychotherapy. It will provide theory-based practical intervention techniques that can be incorporated in the counselling process. This unit will focus on theoretical knowledge and issues related to human lifespan development and working with different client groups such as children, adolescents and the elderly. It will also introduce students to issues related to working with clients from different cultures. Relevant professional and ethical issues and their implications for everyday practice of counselling will also be covered in this unit.
Case Study: Mei Ling
Candidates will have to analyze the case of Mei Ling and submit an effective treatment program, which is theoretically sound.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding ethical issues in counselling.
Corey, G. (2009) Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy, 8th ed. Thomson, Brooks/Cole.
5.3 Counselling on Specific Client Issues
This unit introduces common problem areas that clients may present in counselling. Topics covered are stress, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, self-esteem issues, addiction issues, relationship issues and trauma. These specific client issues will be incorporated within the overall counselling model and process. Professional and ethical issues in counselling will be further addressed in this unit especially in relation to the specific client issues.
Case Study
Candidates are to submit their proposed treatment plan for 2 counselling cases.
Oral Presentation
Candidates are to do research about a counselling issue and present it in class.
Resource Folder
Candidates are to conduct research about the counselling industry and counselling services in Singapore and compile the evidence for submission.
5.4 Introduction To Psychology
This unit provides a scientific overview of the essential concepts. Every endeavor will be made to show how these concepts are related to daily living.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding the introduction to psychology.
Psychology Core Concepts 6th Ed – Preston
5.5 Developmental Psychology
This unit gives a complete and balanced coverage of human development across the entire life span. The development is traced from conception through late life in sequential order. Physical, intellectual, social and emotional that impact development will be addressed. Theory is integrated with applications. Cultural variations and implications will be discussed as well.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding developmental psychology.
Human Development Across the Lifespan 6th Ed – Dacey John S. Travers John F. (2006)
5.6 Social Psychology
This unit provides students a balanced up-to-date coverage of basic topics, researches and theories to think about and make sense of the world. It helps students to understand the relevance of social psychological principles to current events. Meaningful examples will be shown on how theories can be applied to daily experiences and current social issues. Issues on self and group relationships, social cognition, attitudes, perceptions, gender plus an understanding of these issues within cross-cultural and multi-cultural context will also be discussed.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding social psychology.
Social Psychology 8th Ed – David G. Myers
5.6 Social Psychology
This unit provides students a balanced up-to-date coverage of basic topics, researches and theories to think about and make sense of the world. It helps students to understand the relevance of social psychological principles to current events. Meaningful examples will be shown on how theories can be applied to daily experiences and current social issues. Issues on self and group relationships, social cognition, attitudes, perceptions, gender plus an understanding of these issues within cross-cultural and multi-cultural context will also be discussed.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding social psychology.
Social Psychology 8th Ed – David G. Myers
5.7 Health Psychology
This unit provides a balanced coverage of the cognitive, behavioural, biological approaches integrated with an understanding of the current research base. It includes a clear conceptualization of pain and stress, the latest vital information on relationship between nutrition, health, mind and body of eating and weight, and new coverage on death and dying. This will be an interactive module with hands-on exercises and applications on daily living.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding health psychology.
Health Psychology – An Introduction to Behavior & Health 6th Ed – Edition by Linda Brannon and Jess Feist
5.8 Cognitive Psychology
This unit connects studies of cognition with everyday life. Landmark studies and latest researches are discussed with concrete examples and illustrations to help students understand better the scientific importance of the cognitive theories and the relevance to daily lives. Both behavioural and psychological to cognition will be examined.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding cognitive psychology.
Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research & Everyday Experience 2nd Edition by E. Bruce Goldstein
5.9 Abnormal Psychology
This unit introduces an integrative, multi-dimensional and a scientist-practitioner approach to psychopathology. Through these approaches students learn that psychological disorders are rooted in multiple factors; biological, psychological, cultural, social, familial and gender factors. Based on the updated diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV, it examines the definition of the mental disorders, development, etiology, treatment and prevention of mental disorders. Case studies featuring real clients are incorporated to give a realistic content.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding abnormal psychology.
Essentials of Abnormal Psychology International Student Edition 4th Ed - V Mark Durand, David H. Barlow
5.10 Experimental Psychology
This unit takes an example-based approach to the fundamentals of research methodology. It helps students to connect the concepts of sound methodology with their practical applications. Examples of real world cases in specific topical areas will be discussed.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding experimental psychology.
Experimental Psychology 8th Ed -Kantowitz, Roediger III & Elmes (2005)
5.11 Foundations in Psychology 2
This unit is a continuation of Introduction to Psychology 1, which provides a scientific overview of the essential concepts.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding the introduction to psychology.
Psychology Core Concepts 6th Ed – Preston
5.12 Psychological Measurement
This unit provides students with hands on experience on administrating; scoring and interpreting various psychometric tools applied in different field of psychology. Students will acquire principles of assessment, evaluation, referral, treatment planning, and report writing
To administer the psychometric tools covered in this unit
Essay Writing
Students are to write out their interpretation of the psychometric tools they administered.
Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues, International Edition, 7th Edition
Robert M. Kaplan – University of California, San Diego
Dennis P. Saccuzzo – San Diego State University
5.13 Industrial / Organization Psychology
This unit helps students discover the relevance of industrial/organizational psychology in everyday life through practical application as they analyze topics such as resume writing, interview survival, job description authoring, performance appraisal, employment law, job satisfaction, work motivation, and leadership.
Essay Writing
Candidates are to answer a two-item essay questionnaire regarding the Industrial / Organization to psychology.
Industrial/Organizational Psychology, International Edition, 6th Edition
Michael G. Aamodt – Radford University
5.14 Practicum
Students in this practicum will have the opportunity to apply counselling theory, knowledge and skills-based training in actual counselling sessions.
To pass this practicum, students will be assesed by demonstrating competency in counselling through fulfilling of the following counselling related hours:
Counselling Contact hours: 10-hours
Students are required to engage in face-to-face counselling sessions for at least 10-hours verified by the school clinical supervisors or faculty members.
Case Management: 22-hours
Students are required to find themselves a voluntary welfare organization and be attached as a volunteer to provide counselling function within that organization. The hours would be verified by the centre director or trained professionals. This will also be counter-signed by the school faculty member.
Personal Supervision: 6-hours
Students contact counseling and case management would be supervised by the school clinical supervisor on a one-on-one basis.
Group Supervision: 6-hours
Students contact counseling and case management would be supervised by the school clinical supervisor on a group basis.
Counselling Activities: 10-hours
Students are required to find themselves the opportunity to engage in counselling related activities ranging from administrative works (e.g. Assisting in case notes filing) to social activities.
Personal Journal: 30-hours
Students are required to read at least three books of their choice in related field of counselling or psychology. They are then to write a summary of the book with their personal reflection about it.
6. Contact hours
Classroom Lectures – Contact Hours 360
Student’s Personal Counselling Experience 2
Research & Readings 325
Assessment 173
Practicum 84
Total Hours 944
نبذة عن معهد Acc School Of Counselling And Psychology
ACC School of Counselling and Psychology established in 2003, seeks to raise the ethical standards and professionalism of counsellors through strategic training and educational programmes. ACC School of Counselling and Psychology is registered with the Council for Private Education. ACC offers a wide range of courses on counselling and psychology leading to Certificate, Diploma and Specialist Diplomas. ACC also organises training workshops by established trainers in counselling, psychotherapy and psychology to cater to the needs of counsellors, psychologists and other helping professionals. ACC School of Counselling and Psychology seeks to raise ethical standards and professionalism of counsellors through training and educational programmes. ACC aims to provide high quality customer service in training and development and to ensure that lecturers of all our programmes are well-accomplished and experienced professionals in the fields of counselling, psychology and/or social work. عرض الجميع دورات Acc School Of Counselling And PsychologyCounselling أسئلة ذات صلة
- Addiction Psychology Course Line86 درهم
1,028 درهممدة الدورة التدريبية: Upto 1 Hour - 59 درهم
624 درهممدة الدورة التدريبية: Upto 5 Hours