Adult Drama for Fun Abbey School of Music & Drama
السعر: 1,311 درهم

    تفاصيل الدورة

    If you have ever thought of trying some acting, or want an opportunity to have some creative play-time in your schedule, then Adult Drama for Fun is the course for you! These 8-week courses will include theatre games and the basics of acting techniques including voice and body work, improvisation, and some script work. Each term will finish with a presentation with-in the classroom for fellow class members. It’s low pressure, engaging, entertaining and loads of laughs. Often students come back and take Drama for Fun again with a different instructor, as each teacher will bring their own flair to the course! Course locations are noted below. Class size is limited to 12 students in order to ensure the maximum level of attention for all.

    تحديث بتاريخ 08 November, 2015

    نبذة عن معهد Abbey School of Music & Drama

    Flying Turtle Productions is an organization established by Kathleen Warner Yeates in 2005,  which engages the skills of performing artists, directors and writers for production, performing arts tuition, corporate training, theyllness and sharing methodologies.

    عرض الجميع دورات Abbey School of Music & Drama
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