- مدة الدورة التدريبية: 4 Days
تفاصيل الدورة
- برنامج إعداد وصياغة العقود والمذكرات القانونية
ينفذ البرنامج بنظام التعليم عن بعد أو الدراسة الصفية
- أهداف البرنامج التدريبي :-
- التعرف على مفهوم وأهمية وكيفية إعداد المذكرات والعقود القانونية باحتراف
- معرفة وممارسة مراحل أصول الصياغة الفنية للمذكرات والعقود القانونية
- فنون الدفاع المكتوب والإلمام بعناصر ومكونات جودة المذكرات والعقود القانونية
- تنمية مهارات البحث القانوني لإعداد المذكرات والعقود القانونية
- صياغة الدفوع الشكلية والموضوعية في المذكرات والعقود القانونية
- تحقيق المه … + المزيد
وظائف مناسبة لهذه الدورة
المحامون , المستشارون القانونيون , طلاب كليات الحقوق , مدراء اقسام العقود والمشترياتنبذة عن معهد Saad Allah Management Training & consultancy
Established in UAE, Saad Allah Management Training & Consultancy Group seeks to achieve one single goal, i.e. to discover talents, build capacities and create a positive learning environment where participants can stimulate their potential and practice their learning for their best interest and that of their society.
Saad Allah Group meets the needs of all participants who seek to develop their capabilities and skills to keep up with the ongoing progress and changes undergone by societies all the time.
In the development scheme adopted by Saad Allah Group, the best techniques of training and consultancy are applied and the most qualified training staff, including highly experienced facilitators and trainers, are ed and employed, to help build and develop top human resources.
Saad Allah Group has conducted many training courses and development projects for many government and private organizations in different sectors, meeting diversified training needs.
Upholding an unfailing belief in the importance of building and developing human resources, Saad Allah Group has set up for itself the solid objective of researching and adopting new and useful ideas, methods and practices in training and development, to be always in line with international standards.Established in UAE, Saad Allah Management Training & Consultancy Group seeks to achieve one single goal, i.e. to discover talents, build capacities and create a positive learning environment where participants can stimulate their potential and practice their learning for their best interest and that of their society.
Saad Allah Group meets the needs of all participants who seek to develop their capabilities and skills to keep up with the ongoing progress and changes undergone by societies all the time.
In the development scheme adopted by Saad Allah Group, the best techniques of training and consultancy are applied and the most qualified training staff, including highly experienced facilitators and trainers, are ed and employed, to help build and develop top human resources.
Saad Allah Group has conducted many training courses and development projects for many government and private organizations in different sectors, meeting diversified training needs.
Upholding an unfailing belief in the importance of building and developing human resources, Saad Allah Group has set up for itself the solid objective of researching and adopting new and useful ideas, methods and practices in training and development, to be always in line with international standards.
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