Drilling Engineering & Well Completion Practices Future Academy
السعر: 48,627 جنيه مصري

    تفاصيل الدورة

    o Introduction to petroleum Reservoir
    o Overview for Oil Reservoirs
    o Reservoir Drive Mechanisms
    o Well Productivity
    o Factors That Affect Oil Production
    o Porosity
    o Permeability
    o Reservoir performance
    o Well Evaluation – Open hole log
    o Well Location, Spacing, and Production Rates
    o Surface Data Recording & Fluid Measurements
    o Well operation
    o Development of Oil and Gas Fields
    o Introduction to Drilling Operations
    o Casing & Cement
    o Drilling Equipment
    o Drilling Mud
    o Functions of drilling mud
    o Types of drilling mud
    o Water-base mud
    o Oil-base mud
    o Fundamental properties of mud
    o Mud conditioning equipment
    o Straight Hole Drilling
    o The topics to be discussed are:
    o Causes of hole deviation
    o Formation characteristic
    o Bottom hole assembly (BHA)
    o Stabilizers and reamers
    o Well Control
    o Well Completion
    o Definition and purpose of well completion
    o Type of data and information required for well completion operations
    o Well completion philosophy
    o Wellbore Completion Concept
    o Well completion techniques
    o Equipments and material used in well completion
    o Well completion design and control
    o Well completion fluids
    o Completion Equipment
    o tubing, packers, flow control devices
    o Packer selection and tubing forces
    o Tubing design and selection
    o Multiple Completions
    o well description
    o Squeeze cementing
    o Perforating Operation
    o Wellhead & Christmas Trees
    o Manifolds and Gathering systems
    o Formation Damage and well stimulation
    o Causes and prevention of formation damage
    o Well stimulation operations
    o Characterizing Damage and Stimulation
    o Drilling Fluid Damage
    o Production Damage
    o Injection Damage
    o Skin and Pressure Drop
    o Converging Flow to Perforations
    o Partial Penetration
    o Well With Hydraulic Fracture
    o Completion Skin
    o Gravel Pack Skin
    o Productivity Index
    o Flow Efficiency
    o Well Stimulation
    o Acidization.
    o Hydraulic fracturing
    o Workover & Well Problem Identification
    o Problems of well completion and workovers
    o Well Problem Solving
    o Low Productivity-.
    o Low Permeability
    o Low Reservoir Pressure
    o Wellbore Problems
    o Excessive Gas Production
    o Excessive Water Productions
    o Liquid Loading of Gas Wells تحديث بتاريخ 04 February, 2020

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    وتهدف اكاديميتنا إلى المساهمة بالفكر والجهد في إحداث عملية التغيير المستهدفة لدى جميع المنظمات والمؤسسات في القطاع الحكومي والخاص ، نسعى من خلاله إلى تأهيل العديد من الأفراد وإكسابهم بالمعارف وتطوير مهاراتهم لنكون رواداً في مجال التدريب وتنمية الموارد البشرية من خلال نقل المعرفة وتقديم الخدمات التي تؤدي إلى الرقي بمستوى المؤسسات والأفراد،  ونحرص من خلال تعاملنا على التمسك بالعديد من القيم التي تضمن إرضاء عملائنا، وتنفيذ برامجنا على قدر كبير من الدقة والتميز المهني الراقي
    عرض الجميع دورات Future Academy
    دورات يمكنك الالتحاق بها على الفور... Basic Seismic Exploration ITCgroup Petroleum Production and Operation Engineering ITCgroup

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