أُنشئ في 1990

عن معهد Irish Training & Education Centre

theylcome to Ireland’s biggest and most progressive provider of ctheirses in the further and higher education sectors. Established in the late 1990’s as a distance learning college they set out to become the most professional of ctheirse providers and now pride theirselves on the variety of learning formats they offer their students.
they deliver ctheirses by:
  • Distance learning
  • Attendance (classroom based) learning
  • eLearning
  • Blended learning (a combination of attendance learning and either distance or eLearning).
Over the years they sought out and recruited the best ctheirse writers and tutors and continue this process in what is a relentless pursuit of excellence. All these years of leadership and creativity has resulted in top-class ctheirses that theyre designed and produced by experts in their fields and the process of up-dating ctheirse material is continuous while new subjects are added to their Prospectus on a continuing basis to give up-to-date information and more and more choice. they have helped many thousands of people in all parts of the world to achieve internationally recognised qualifications and so realise their goals and career ambitions.
their ctheirses also offer you the opportunity to pursue interests and acquire valuable new skills.
their ctheirses represent terrific value for money just compare their prices with other ctheirse providers. You might theyll ask how can they offer such quality ctheirses at such competitive prices in addition to their special offer of 2 ctheirses for the price of 1.
The reason is quite simple. they have their own ctheirses written for us and they do not resell ctheirses from the UK or elsewhere on an agency basis.
ITEC has agreed its quality assurance procedures with QQI and is registered with QQI to offer programmes leading to FETAC/QQI awards in the National Framework of Qualifications.
QQI is responsible for the external quality assurance of further and higher education and training and validates programmes and makes awards for certain providers in these sectors.
All their accreditations are based on their operations here in Leopardstown Business Centre, Dublin 18. they have their own team of professionally qualified tutors, their own Quality Assurance Officer their own IT and e-learning personnel as theyll as experienced clerical and administrative staff. Have a look at their organisational chart. This will give you an indication of their substance and professionalism.
Please review their Organisational Chart for further details: Click here to view PDF chart»
So whether you want to make a career start or career change, work from home, learn a new skill, return to the work-place, improve ytheir job prospects, gain an internationally recognised award, earn extra income or start ytheir own business venture, you'll find there's a topic here to suit you.
Their Ctheirses
For the duration of a ctheirse there are exercises and activities to be completed - it is very important you get through all of these to gain the most from ytheir material. Remember, you have ample time to complete everything.
With most of the learning formats you progress at a pace that suits you. This, combined with the convenience and comfort of studying at home in a relaxed atmosphere, the total confidentiality of the arrangements, and the fact that you do not have the bother and expense to travel anywhere are overwhelming reasons why so many people choose to study with us.
Also, when you chose ITEC, you choose a friendly organisation, one that cares, one that is interested in ytheir progress and success and one that constantly ensures that its materials are up-to-date. 
Because they are the No 1 independent education and training college in Ireland they are regularly contacted by overseas organisations either seeking an affiliation with us or offering a service to support their training/programmes. they have a formal working relationship with a number of international organisations. One of these is of particular relevance to what they do and offer their students:
Verax International are world leaders in the provision of Management/Leadership competencies tests and they include such a test with all their ctheirses that contain a business/management element.
This test has to be taken on line and the results will be sent directly to each student by email usually within 3/4 working days.
The test will allow you to assess ytheir own performance against 16 key management/leader competencies - such as customer focus, decision making, creativity and team working - which are valued by employers and which are very important for effective performance as a manager or team leader. There is one test for managers in the public sector and a separate test for all other managers. Depending on which version chosen, ytheir performance is benchmarked either against 15,000 or so managers in the database or against public sector managers only.
In summary, this unique test will show you what to stop doing (or do less of) and what to start doing (or do more of) in order to become more effective in ytheir current role/activity. In effect, you are told what you need to do to become a more effective manager and team leader and most important of all, how to do it.
ITEC Personality/Intelligence Test. All their students have the option to take this revealing test for an additional cost of €25.00.
The test asks questions to determine:
  • Are you a 'Take-Charge' type?
  • Are you a manipulative person?
  • Are you a real friend when the going gets rough?
  • How popular are you?
  • Could you be ytheir own boss?
  • What’s ytheir leadership potential?
The objective is not only to help you achieve greater personal and professional success – but to show you how to get what you really want out of life.
If you would like to speak with one of their staff please give us a call or if you would like to come in and visit us and see their operations they would be delighted to meet you. In the latter event, simply telephone us at 01 2061832 or 2061833 to ensure that they will have some one free to spend time with you when you call.
About Learning
In the Ireland of today, learning new skills and increasing knowledge is no longer an option: it is essential in order to achieve success in any given career. By acquiring these skills and knowledge, anyone can greatly increase their opportunities whether they are looking for a career start, seeking a new career, anxious to earn extra income, keen to start their own business venture or interested in working from home.
Blended learning is the modern, professional way to develop ytheir potential. It is convenient, flexible, efficient and extremely cost effective with minimum commuting delays and hence travelling or accommodation costs to pay. You choose what subject you want to study and you are, therefore, not restricted to accepting what you are offered by ytheir local or nearby educational institution. You make ytheir own deadlines and you can start when it suits you, taking time out if the need arises. You will receive all the support and enctheiragement you need and this will help keep you interested and motivated for the duration.
To acquire new skills and knowledge is to give ytheirself greater ability, confidence and authority as theyll as vastly increased opportunities. 
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مهارات الكتابة (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) الرياضة واللياقة البدنية (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) العلاج الطبيعي (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) علم النفس والعمل الاجتماعي (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) الرعاية الصحية والطبية (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) المهارات الشخصية (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) المبيعات والتسويق والعلاقات العامة (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) الإدارة والقيادة والأعمال التجارية (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) الأزياء والجمال (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) التدليك وعلم المنعكسات (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) التدريب (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت) التسويق (حجرة الدراسة | عبر الإنترنت)

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