Company details

One of the fastest leading property investment company in Sharjah.

Training details

The organization is looking to train their staff on general VAT course in Sharjah.It can be any day except Friday. Please send a quotation with full details on the course and schedules.

Training purpose:

To gain general knowledge on all aspects of VAT introductory and implementation.

  • Location: Sharjah
  • Created: Mar 12, 2018
  • Deadline: Mar 15, 2018
  • Industry/Sector: Real Estate
  • Course level: Basic - General
  • Trainees level: Junior - Senior
  • Training venue: In-house (Sharjah)
  • Tentative dates: April 2018
  • Timings: Full Time / Part Time
  • Budget: Open Budget
  • Duration: 1 Day
  • Course Category: Accounting Finance And Banking
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