One of the leading district cooling company in the Middle East.
The organization is looking to carry out team building sessions for all employees addressing and to enhance and build effective communication and engagement across all departments.Each session to have 55 employees per day. Broken up into 5 teams.
To educate employees of the need and benefit of applying these core values and associated behaviors in their daily work.
- Location: Doha
- Created: Jul 02, 2018
- Deadline: Jul 12, 2018
- Industry/Sector: Utilities
- Course level: Basic - Advance
- Trainees level: Juniors and seniors
- Training venue: In-house (Qatar)
- Tentative dates: 10 -12th September 2018
- Timings: (8.00 am to 12.30) followed by lunch
- Budget: Open Budget
- Duration: 4 hours
- Course Category: Soft Skills