Company details

A transportation sector under the UAE Government.

Training details

Looking to train their staff (approx 7-10) on sharepoint end-user and admin. For the end-user it should be advanced course to be offered for the IT team and Admin basic course for the operators.

Training purpose:

Would to train staff to gain more knowledge on microsoft powerpoint (end user and admin)

  • Location: Dubai
  • Created: Oct 29, 2017
  • Deadline: Nov 02, 2017
  • Industry/Sector: Transporation
  • Course level: Basic - Advanced
  • Trainees level: Junior - Senior
  • Training venue: In-house or at the institute (open to both options)
  • Tentative dates: November (as soon as possible)
  • Timings: Full Time / Part Time
  • Budget: Open Budget
  • Duration: 3 - 5 days (Depending on the content of the course)
  • Course Category: It Computing And Technology
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