The organization focuses in 2 main streams, and they are privately known company for the chocolate and baklawa.
The company is having a safety week by end of the month (November) and would like to have a training for basic fire safety at their premises. The course should be theory and divided into batches.
Looking to train the staff for basic fire safety courses to gain knowledge on the procedure and how to use the extinguisher
- Location: Dubai
- Created: Nov 12, 2017
- Deadline: Nov 16, 2017
- Industry/Sector: Food & Beverages
- Course level: Basic
- Trainees level: Junior - Senior
- Training venue: In-house at their premises in Dubai
- Tentative dates: 26 November 2017
- Timings: Full Time
- Budget: Open Budget
- Duration: 1 Day (1 hour per batch)
- Course Category: Health And Safety