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  • Year of establishment: 2019
  • No. of full-time trainers: 10
  • Registered authority: Shams Media City
  • Training format provided: On-site/In-house/Company-specific
    Executive education

Can travel to 7 locations

Kuwait Bahrain Qatar Saudi Arabia Oman UAE Online

Why choose Expertease Education

Expertease Education empowers learners of all backgrounds with a comprehensive suite of Online Specialised courses, Educational services and Professional development programs. Whether you're seeking Standardized exam preparation, Tutoring support or Specialized skill development, Expertease Education provides a flexible and effective learning solution.

With Over 70,000 Students & Professionals from over +175 Countries, our programs and services have shaped the educational and professional development of students and professionals globally.

What We offer:
  • Corporate Training 
  • Specialised Self Paced Courses 
  • Workshops and Professional Development Programs
  • Tutoring Services
  • Exam Preparation 
  • Language Training
  • Project Managemnet Services
  • Marketing Management Services
  • Educational Consulting 
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