• Year of establishment: 2018
  • No. of full-time trainers: 5
  • Registered authority: Government of Sharjah Economic Development department
  • Registered association memberships: 180364
  • Training format provided: Class-based/Public
    Executive education

Can travel to 1 locations


Why choose Austin Academy

At Austin, we are  committed to providing our students with meaningful education built on high qualities  training and services. All programs integrate your faith and real-world career preparation. The institute  offers flexible timings and industry focuses course wares  to prepare you for  your personal and professional  excellence.
Choose from:
Language courses                        Computer courses        Account courses
Management courses    Certification Program  Test preparation courses
¨ Interactive Sessions
¨ Comprehensive course  wares
¨ Question and answer session for all your queries
¨ Learning from a locally recognized expert
¨ After training support
¨ Individual and corporate training.

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