• Year of establishment: 2017
  • No. of full-time trainers: 20
  • Registered authority: Registrar of Companies for England and Wales
  • Training format provided: On-site/In-house/Company-specific
    Executive education

Can travel to 1 locations

United Kingdom

Why choose Ace Academy Casino Education and Career Ltd.

Established in 2016, we specialise in design and delivery of a high-quality training solutions as well as bespoke programmes together with the ongoing management of learning and development to enhance potential and develop new skills within any team and any organisation. Experience of our trainers spans a wide range of industries and includes companies like BA, British Airways London Eye, Emirates, Virgin Airways, Hilton, Barclays Corporate, HSBC, Citi Bank, Dubai Holdings, Microsoft, Aviva, HP and many, many more.We pride ourselves on delivering a wide range of courses in energetic and innovative way.
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