About emt Academy

emt academy is the education and publishing vendor for Logical operations and Certnexus in the META region.  We  addresses the huge skills and supply gap of cyber security and emerging technology professionals and general awareness of emerging technologies such as AI, IoT and Data Science partnering with Logical operatons who have 38 years curated, published and distributed high caliber learning materials across the technology stack. These materials help organizations employees to have a structured learning experience which assists them to gain knowledge and importantly skills to enhance their knowledge on the job competencies.

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8 courses available

Top related subjects

Deep Learning (Classroom | Online) Cybersecurity (Classroom | Online) CISM (Classroom | Online) Data Analytics (Classroom | Online) IT, Computing and Technology (Classroom | Online) Networking and Security (Classroom | Online) Security (Classroom | Online) Information Systems (Classroom | Online) Python Programming (Classroom | Online) Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Classroom | Online) Train the Trainer (Classroom | Online) Machine Learning (Classroom | Online)