Operations Management Course fees in Saudi Arabia - March 2025 update

The table below provides more information on the fees for Operations Management courses in Saudi Arabia.There are 68 courses available, the cheapest price is SAR 1399.
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CourseLocationDuration Fees

Manage Your Risks Udemy

N/A Flexible SAR 206

Cross Border Business Operations and Tax ROI PreRecorded Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland

N/A 2 Hours SAR 259

Payroll Management Udemy

N/A Flexible SAR 263

Supply Chain: Planning of Resources & Detailed Scheduling Udemy

N/A Flexible SAR 263

Leadership Skills for Supervisors Skill Express

N/A Upto 3 Hours SAR 484
SAR 9,229

An Ultimate Guide to Procurement Management Udemy

N/A Flexible SAR 488

Operations Cost Savings and Efficiencies Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland

N/A 5 Hours SAR 514

Supply Chain for Management Consultants & Business Analysts Udemy

N/A Flexible SAR 713

Supervisor Skills Study Cruise

N/A Upto 2 Hours SAR 1,021
SAR 20,408

The Business use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Innoverto

N/A 3 Days SAR 1,122
SAR 1,869

Operations Management Manipal Executive Education

N/A 13 Weeks Enquire About Price

LSBF Certificate in Operations Management Interactive

N/A 12 - 15 weeks SAR 3,995

Moving from an Operational Manager to a Strategic Thinker Dr. Sultan Al-Sultan Consultants Group

Saudi Arabia TBC SAR 7,500

Pumps, Compressors and Turbines: Selection, Operation & Maintenance PetroTech

Saudi Arabia 5 Days SAR 9,379

Safe Operation & Maintenance of Circuit Breakers and Switchgears PetroTech

Saudi Arabia TBA SAR 9,379
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How much does the Operations Management course cost in Saudi Arabia?
The cost of Operations Management courses ranges between SAR 1399 to SAR 22021