About Infocus Training Center
INFOCUS Training CentreITC is set up to facilitate the continuous learning of this new generation of employees who are keen to continuously acquire new skills and competencies to stay relevant, and build deep expertise in their chosen field of work. We are delighted that ITC offers a variety of Professional Training Programs & Short Courses. Our collaborations and partnerships with recognized awarding bodies allows ITC to deepen the professionalism of the Local work-force in the respective disciplines at affordable fees and ensure that the training provided are in sync with the overall business goals and needs of the companies. as the global economy moves in unpredictable waves, it is crucial that professionals retool and enhance their competencies to leverage on potential opportunities as their career pathways or life priorities change.
With a strong team of highly experienced faculty and industry ex-perts,INFOCUS Training Centr ITC is well placed to empower working professionals with the requisite knowledge and competencies. We look forward to being your learning and development partner as we embark on this lifelong quest to master relevant skills and excellence.