About Fourth Dimension Technologies, Inc.

Fourth Dimension Technologies, Inc. is a Microsoft Approved Provider of Microsoft Instructional Skills (MCT) Certification. Candidate can select from three offerings.

1. Self-Study for active adults
This course is designed for working adults that wish to gain MCT certification at their own pace. Final exam required.

2. Virtual Live Instructor-Led
This class is designed for students located within the U.S.A. and EU who are seeking to become Microsoft Certified Trainers.

3. In-Person Course
This course is held in the Atlanta, Baltimore and Los Angeles area. Students that require face to face training find this course exciting and challenging.

Requirements to become a Microsoft Certified Trainer

> Possess a qualifying Microsoft Certification

> Attend Fourth Dimensions Technologies, Inc. Microsoft Instructional Skills Course

> Certificate of Completion must be uploaded to Microsoft as Proof Course Completed From Approved Provider.

This class is designed for students located within the U.S. EU, Asia and Africa who are seeking to become Microsoft Certified Trainers.
Learn delivery skills
Communication skills
How to identify types of learners
Writing Objectives
Classroom Management
Time Management
Student Management
Classroom Configuration
Voice inflection
Body Language
Student measurment

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