Company details

A Privately owned Dubai based restaurant and cafe that offers different cuisine.

Training details

The restaurant is looking to train the kitchen staff on basic food hygiene and safety as per the Dubai municipality requirements. This will be approx 25 staff for Basic Food Hygiene & 4 staff for the PIC.

Training purpose:

To gain more knowledge on the food safety and be certified as per the municipality requirements.

  • Location: Dubai
  • Created: Mar 28, 2018
  • Deadline: Apr 05, 2018
  • Industry/Sector: F&B
  • Course level: Basic
  • Trainees level: Junior - Senior
  • Training venue: In-house (Dubai)
  • Tentative dates: Mid May 2018
  • Timings: Full Time
  • Budget: As per quotation approved
  • Duration: 1 day for BFH and 3 days for PIC
  • Course Category: Health And Safety
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