Raspberry Pi Course fees in Nepal - December 2024 update

The table below provides more information on the fees for Raspberry Pi courses in Nepal.
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CourseLocationDuration Fees

Raspberry Pi for the Beginners Udemy

N/A Flexible NPR 2,708

PiBot: Build Your Own Raspberry Pi Powered Robot Udemy

N/A Flexible NPR 2,708

Introduction to the Raspberry Pi Udemy

N/A Flexible NPR 2,708

Raspberry Pi Essentials and Extras Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,710

Cluster Pi: Build a Raspberry Pi Beowulf cluster Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,710

Raspberry Pi for the Beginners Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,710

Raspberry Pi Project: FM Radio Station (No Coding Required) Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 2,710

Crear BOT de Vigilancia de Telegram con Raspberry Pi Udemy

N/A Flexible NPR 3,386

Raspberry Pi for Beginners- Advanced Embedded Systems Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 3,386

IoT - Turn a light on with Java, Raspberry PI and API's Udemy

N/A Flexible NPR 3,386

Sincronización Audiovisual gratuita basada en Raspberry PI Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 3,387

Introduction to C++ and Qt5 Programming for Raspberry Pi Udemy

N/A Flexible NPR 4,740

Raspberry Pi for Beginners- Advanced Embedded Systems Udemy

N/A Flexible NPR 4,740

Introduction to C++ and Qt5 Programming for Raspberry Pi Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 4,742

Build Your Own Super Computer with Raspberry Pis Udemy

N/A TBA NPR 4,742
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How much does the Raspberry Pi course cost in Nepal?
The cost of Raspberry Pi courses ranges between NPR 14090 to NPR 27096