We are looking to train our staff in the below courses:3 staff - first aid2 staff - rigger foreman12 staff - scaffoldingplease send us a quote as soon as possible as we would like them to attend the course within the month.
Train the staff to gain knowledge and experience on the field. plus to earn the certification by the municipality
- Location: Fujairah
- Created: Sep 17, 2017
- Deadline: Sep 18, 2017
- Industry/Sector: Engineering and consultancy
- Course level: Basic Level
- Trainees level: Junior - Senior
- Training venue: In house training at their premises in Fujairah
- Tentative dates: ASAP (Within September 2017)
- Timings: depending on course (full-time)
- Budget: Open Budget
- Duration: 1 day (depending on the course)
- Course Category: Health And Safety