Company details

A privately held organization known as one of the fastest growing organizations in the UAE offering with significant presence in diversified fields.

Training details

A privately held organization is interested in a public speaking/presentation skills course to be offered to some of their staff to enhance their skills in the field.

Training purpose:

To enhance and gain skills on how to communicate and present with clients and customers

  • Location: Abu Dhabi
  • Created: Aug 20, 2019
  • Deadline: Aug 22, 2019
  • Industry/Sector: Consumer Services
  • Course level: Basic - Advance
  • Trainees level: Juniors and Seniors
  • Training venue: In House (Abu Dhabi)
  • Tentative dates: Between August and September
  • Timings: Flexible with options
  • Budget: Can't disclose yet
  • Duration: 1 - 2 Days (depending on the course)
  • Course Category: Soft Skills
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