Presentation Skills Course fees in Kenya - December 2024 update

The table below provides more information on the fees for Presentation Skills courses in Kenya.
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CourseLocationDuration Fees

Create Engaging & Dynamic Presentations with Haiku Deck Udemy

N/A TBA KES 3,490

A Beginner's Guide to Creating an Engaging Prezi Udemy

N/A TBA KES 3,878

Using Story in Presentations Udemy

N/A TBA KES 4,522

Power Pitch: use presentations to sell your ideas to anyone Udemy

N/A TBA KES 5,170

How to find and create exceptional images for presentations Udemy

N/A TBA KES 5,170

English Language Presentation Skills for Non-Native Speakers Udemy

N/A TBA KES 5,815

Excel and PPT Charts & Graphs from World's Top Presentations Udemy

N/A TBA KES 6,461

PowerPoint 2016 Udemy

N/A TBA KES 6,463

Public Speaking and Presentations Post-Game Analysis Udemy

N/A TBA KES 6,463

How to Do a Presentation: 5 Steps to a Killer Opener Udemy

N/A TBA KES 6,463

Answer Presentation Questions Like a Pro Udemy

N/A TBA KES 6,463

Presentation Skills - The Art of Presenting Udemy

N/A TBA KES 9,692

Advanced Animations in PowerPoint Udemy

N/A TBA KES 9,692

Powerful PowerPoint Presentations Udemy

N/A TBA KES 9,694

Tips For Creating An Effective Slide Presentation. Udemy

N/A TBA KES 9,694
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How much does the Presentation Skills course cost in Kenya?
The cost of Presentation Skills courses ranges between KES 12925 to KES 27013