PHP Programming Course fees in Kenya - February 2025 update

The table below provides more information on the fees for PHP Programming courses in Kenya.
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CourseLocationDuration Fees

PHP 5.5 Zend Certification - PHP Security Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,578

Certified Secure Coder- PHP (CSC- PHP) Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,578

PHP 5.5 Zend Certification - PHP Basics Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

PHP Laravel 5.3 Realtime Web Apps Using Socket.IO Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

Develop Facebook Quiz Fun App from Scratch Using PHP Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

Zend Framework 2: Learn the PHP framework ZF2 from scratch Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

Learn PHP Object Oriented Features with Simple Examples Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

Introduction to PHP Programming Language Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

Introduction to Modern Programming with PHP Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

Programming A Chat Box From Scratch Using PHP and AJAX Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

Learn PHP Programming for Absolute Beginners - Lite Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

PHP with PDO and OOP for beginners Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

Everything About PHP Sessions Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

Introduction to Testing with PHPUnit Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579

PHP Graphic Techniques: CAPTCHA/ Create a verification code Udemy

N/A TBA KES 2,579
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How much does the PHP Programming course cost in Kenya?
The cost of PHP Programming courses ranges between KES 12897 to KES 25794