About Caroline Cares Fernandes

Dynamic Learning Facilitator I Certified Leadership Coach I Mindfulness Practitioner
Sustainability Gardener I Author I Community Builder

Caroline Cares Fernandes is a mom, pet lover, and avid reader.
She has served as a Learning Architect and Training Facilitator for over 20 years.
She holds a Masters In Education and is a Certified Executive Coach, Certified in NeuroLinguistic Programming and Trained with the International Coach Federation.
She has been People-voted as Top LinkedIn voice for 2 consecutive years with her content curated to inspire courage, leadership, personal growth and much more.
She designs dynamic learning programs to support growth and transformation for C-suite executive leaders, intact teams and employee-wide programs in corporate and entrepreneurship spaces.

During the course of her 20+ year career she has worked for 10 years with Dell, Hewlett Packard full-time and for the next 10 years as a Learning consultant with several fortune 500 & fortune 100 companies globally.

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