About Phsyco Social Services & Training Institute in Cairo (PSTIC)
Its staff and graduates form a network that is a hub for mental health and psychosocial support for refugees in Cairo. PSTIC graduated: 17 refugees as Psychosocial Workers (PSW) in May 2010; 23 in June 2011; presently 30 are in training in 2012-13.
The PSTIC Trainers and Supervisors are multinational. They include an American Director - Trainer; Eritrean Deputy Director; Egyptian Mental Health Coordinator; 4 Egyptian psychiatrists as Trainers and Professional Supervisors; 6 Refugee Team Leaders; 35 Psychosocial Workers; 3 Housing Advocates; 4 Coordinators for Sport-Art-Theater activities; Administrative Assistant; and part time Accountant.
PSTIC offers a range of training courses and workshops and through its professional supervision oversees mental health and psychosocial support services provided to refugees and asylum seekers.
Referrals of people in need come to PSTIC affiliated PSWs from their Communities; UNHCR; NGOs CBOs; or self referral.