Udemy Zynq Training - Learn Zynq 7000 SOC device on Microzed FPGA Udemy
Price: USD 200

    Course details

    Course Update: 

    Note! This course price will increase to $90 as of 1st March 2017 from $80. The price will increase regularly due to updated content. Get this course while it is still low.



    Do you want to learn the new Zynq Development in Xilinx SDK?  Are you lost when it comes to getting started with Zynq Training? Or are you new to FPGA's? This course will teach you all the
    fundamentals of the Zynq Design and Vivado in the shortest time so that you
    can get started developing on (Field-programmable gate array) FPGA (System of Chip) SOC. 

    Now why should you take this course when Xilinx Official Partners already offer training? Most of their course are held bi-annually which means you will have to wait at most 6 months before starting the basic training. Also these courses can cost over thousands of dollars. 

    My Name is Ritesh Kanjee and I am an FPGA Designer with a Masters Degree in Electronic Engineering. I have over 15000 students on Udemy.This course is designed to help you understand the fundamentals of Zynq Design through practical and easy to understand labs. This class covers these capabilities, including BSP creation, built-indrivers, example C code, interrupts, debugging, flash programming. You will learn all the fundamentals through practice as you follow along with the training. Together we will build a strong foundation in SOC Development in Xilinx SDK with this training for beginners. This Course will enable you to:

    • Import Board Definition Files
    • Use the Vivado to build, synthesize, implement, and download a design to your FPGA.
    • How to use Xilinx SDK
    • Learn how to access memory modules and GPIO from Xilinx SDK
    • Debugging in Xilinx SDK
    • Understand Stucts or Structure in C programming and why they are important

    Training Duration:

    2 hour

    Skills Gained

    After Completing this Training, you will know how to:

    • Design for 7 series+ FPGAs (System on Chip) SOC,
    • Learn how to set up the Zynq in Vivado,
    • Create a Simple Hello world App in Xilinx SDK,
    • Access GPIO to blink an LED,
    • Learn how to read from GPIO button peripherals,
    • Understand Structures in C or C++ and how to use them in Xilinx SDK,
    • Debug your design and understand how to step through lines in your code,
    • Learn how to add more hardware in Processing Logic,
    • Use the Processing logic to create a Block RAM memory,
    • Learn to Read and Write from internal memory,
    • Create your own timing App using both polled and interrupt methods
    • Get an indepth insight into interrupts and how they work on Zynq devices

    Skills Gained

    This course only costs less than 1% of the Official XIlinx Partner Training Courses which has similar content. Not only will you save on money but you will save on Time. Similar courses usually run over 2 days. This course, however, you will be able to complete in under 2 hours, depending on your learning speed. 

    You will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course. We also offer a full Udemy 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not happy with this course, so you can learn with no risk to you.

    See you inside this course.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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