Udemy Yoga Made Easy: Be Stress and Anxiety Free Now! Udemy
Price: USD 200

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    In this course you will learn how you can reduce stress and anxiety with ease.

    Let me ask you something:

    • Have you recently snapped at someone over something small, like not doing the dishes?
    • Do you often feel tired, nervous or even anxious?
    • Or do you worry a lot and have trouble falling asleep?

    If you answer one or more of these questions with yes, then it is likely that you have been under too much stress for too long. Also, chances are that you are not taking adequate measures to reduce this stress.

    Then this is the course for you!

    This course is for anyone who wants to get rid of their stress symptoms once and for all, quick and easy.

    What will we cover in this course? You will learn:

    • the purpose of stress.
    • the nuts and bolts of the stress response.
    • how doing yoga reliefs stress, a fact which is backed up by numerous scientific studies.
    • And the heart of this course: ten simple yoga exercises that you can do today to reduce the stress symptoms in your life big time!

    The exercises you will learn in this course are easy. You do not need to be flexible and you do not need to have any prior yoga experience: this course is suitable for all levels!

    The focus is on learning how to relax. People that experience a lot of stress are often not able to fully relax their body anymore. Even when they think they are relaxing, they still hold on to tension.

    The purpose of the exercises in this course is to restore the connection between your body and your mind. If you practice these exercises on a regular basis, I promise you that you will start feeling the beneficial effects immediately!

    So don't wait any longer and join me now in this course. Scroll up and click on the Take This Course button on the right. Let's get started. I will see you inside!

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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