Udemy Writing Free Reports to Build Your Email List and Business Udemy
Price: USD 50

    Course details

    This course focuses on you writing effective free reports (lead magnets) so you can build a quality and responsive long term list. Writing free reports goes beyond building a list if it's written correctly. Writing reports properly will cause your prospect to see you as the person that can solve their problem.

    Learn exactly what to put in your report so it's not self-serving, full of hype or rehashed nonsense.

    Learn exactly how to structure your report so you will have readers wanting more of what you have to say.

    Discover the emotional triggers you need to use in order to build a list a responsive list.

    How to use stories effectively.

    Learn to become the prospect so you can give them exactly what they want.

    Learn how to keep the spotlight off of you and solely on the customer.

    Discover the psychology of your reader and much, much more!

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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