Udemy WordPress for Beginners 2016-Perfect for authors & bloggers Udemy
Price: USD 30

    Course details

    This course is aimed at authors and beginner bloggers. This course will teach the basics of how to create a WordPress site without any technospeak!

    Are you an author or blogger. Are you tired of not understanding what your fellow authors or fellow bloggers are talking about. Do you struggle to do even the most basic things on your site? Let me show you how to use your site using common language, directly applicable examples, and easy to follow instructions.

    As this course is meant for people with little experience in these areas, I will make the assumption that your knowledge base with WordPress is minimal and will build from the ground up.

    We will learn all the things that you need to know as an author or blogger to have a functioning site to support your blogging activities in a professional manner.

    Please note: If you are well trained in WordPress - this course is not for you!

    ***Updated to reflect the recent significant changes that have occurred in WordPress***

    Updated on 09 May, 2015
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