Udemy WordPress Development With NodeJS, Gulp, Composer & More Udemy
Price: USD 75

    Course details

    You are an experienced WordPress developer with some themes or plugins under your belt. The more we develop in WordPress, the more we find that things get tedious, messy, and time consuming. That is just the way it is when developers get more into a software tool or content management system like WordPress. 

    With this course, students will learn to speed up and streamline their WordPress development with the most modern Javascript technologies as they pertain to WordPress development including, but not limited to:

    • NodeJS - NodeJS has an incredible amount of utilities to speed up development
    • Build a local web server to make build one dedicated solely to WordPress development
    • GulpJS to speed up file maintenance, clean up our CSS (also with SASS, AutoPrefixer, Uglify, etc), display server side information in the command line
    • Composer to set up a plugin and/or theme distribution without the need to install and activate them with every new installation.
    • Clean up our WordPress directories and better organize them..
    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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