Udemy WooCommerce Native Apps(Android/iOS) in 5 Minutes Udemy
Price: USD 20
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Convert your Existing WooCommerce Store to Beautiful Native Apps in just minutes.

Why Native App?

  • When was last time you clicked on a Promotional Email? Push Notifications from Mobile app have shown 10 times more open rate than Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Building a loyal customer is crucial for success of your E-commerce business. Mobile app provide a direct channel between you and your customers.

  • Never lose customers via cart abandonment. Notify them through App notification with discount code to make immediate purchases. 80 percent lesser cart abandonment on mobile app compared to webstore.

  • Reduce checkout time and thereby reducing friction for your users. Mobile app checkout only takes 26 seconds or lesser. This has increased growth of many E-commerce businesses.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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