Course details

This course is for students who have taken watercolour classes previously and not afraid to sketch! After this class, be adventurous and try one of your own photographs! Bev will explain 'how to' colour match with watercolours according to a photograph. She will also explain 'how to' create your own colour mixing chart with the watercolour paints that you already have.

Learn how to colour-match to any photo reference, creating a watercolour work of art!

Teacher available for any questions during and after this course. She would love to see your original paintings.

Students will receive 2 hours of video supported with written and verbal step-by-step instructions

At the end of this course, you will have a beautiful, final masterpiece "Cone flowers" to be proud of! 

Happy Painting and Keep those brushes Wet!

Updated on 07 January, 2017
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