Udemy Video production — LEVEL 3: iPhone Documentary Filmmaking Udemy
Price: USD 195
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This course features an award-winning film that was shot with mobile devices.

You will go behind the lens and learn every step in making an original documentary film.

In this course you apply advanced filmmaking techniques that help you to produce a movie about a person, event, activity, place, brand, or issues that you care deeply about.

It is highly recommendedto firstcomplete the Level One and Level Two courses in this seriesbefore enrolling in this advanced level masterclass.

Films are an amazing way to connect people to a person, a product, idea, or mission. They give the viewer the feeling of a long-lasting connection.

In these detailed step-by-step lessons, filmmakerRobb Montgomery will take you backstage and behind the lens to see exactlyhow to plan, produce, film and edit a long-form documentary film with mobile video gear.

Montgomery shows you how he solo-produces a broadcast quality film in Berlin with no crew, no script,no budget, and no automobile.

You will learn how to:

  1. Scout and recruitan interesting film subject

  2. Prepare a shot list

  3. Develop interview questions

  4. Prepare the gear and subjects

  5. Use locations to full effect

  6. Develop sophisticated motion shots

  7. Edit scenes, sequences, string outs and sound bites into a compelling visual statement

The pre-requisite for this course is either the Mobile Journalism Masterclass or the Smartphone Filmmaking Masterclass. You can find them on Udemy and at the Smart Film School website.

The intermediate to advanced skills shown in these courselessonsbuild on the techniques first established in these foundation courses.

Intended Audience:Journalists, film makers, teachers, advertisers, musicians, artists

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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