Udemy Vegetable Gardening: How to Grow Healthy, Fresh Food at Home Udemy
Price: USD 20
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This is a step by step course that takes you through the process of creating an edible garden for any size garden: apartment or condominium balconies or patios, small or large backyards, or a plot in a community garden.

The course provides specific strategies for:

- Designing your garden

- Plant selection and installation

- Soil preparation and feritlizer use

- Pest and disease control

- Harvest and storage

- Container gardening

- Raised bed gardens

- Fruit trees and berries

- Organic gardening practices

In addition, supplemental materials are provided:

- Downloadable pdf handouts

- Links to 'how to' videos

- Links to websites supplying additional in depth information.

The approximately 3 hour course consists of 37 lectures each on a specific topic to facilitate ease of finding information.

The lectures are grouped into 8 sections: Introduction, Let's Get Started, Garden Design and Planning, Soil Preparation, Choosing Plants, Planting, Maintenance, and Harvest.

Upon completing the course you will be able to:

- Experience the joy of growing and eating delicious food that you grew yourself.

- Have the knowledge to grow food in a healthy and safe manner.

- Have a productive and bountiful fruit and veggie garden right outside your kitchen door!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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