Course details

Welcome to the course Valuation of Goodwill.

Valuation is an exercise adopted to know the value of the business. Through this exercise, we will try to arrive at the value of the business. It is this value which is taken as base for negotiation in Mergers and Acquisitions.

So, how do we value the business?

Value of business is nothing but value of shares.

Value of shares are represented by its tangible and intangible assets and intangible asset includes Goodwill.

Goodwill greatly influences the value of a business and hence this course.

In this course, you will learn

a) What is Goodwill?

b) How to arrive at the value of Goodwill?

c) What are the determining factors of Goodwill?

d) What are the methods for computing Goodwill?

This course is structured in self paced learning style.

Theoretical concepts followed by Case studies approach structure is used for presenting the course content.

Free hand writing style is adopted for active involvement of instructor.

Take this course to understand Valuation of Goodwill.

Updated on 18 September, 2015
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