Udemy UX & Design Thinking Quick Start for Application Design Udemy
Price: USD 35

    Course details

    UX and Design Thinking are hot practices in the business world today and this quick, simple course will show you how Design Thinking can help you create the best user experience for your customers.

    By learning the most important aspects of a user-centric approach, you'll begin to understand why designing for specific user needs is critical to user adoption, and how to plan for the best possible outcome.

    And, you'll discover just why UX and UI are not the same thing - a misconception that continues to permeate the business world.

    If you're in the position of using enterprise software to create applications for end-users, then you want to start with this course to get a solid understanding of what needs to be done for high success rates and user adoption.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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