Udemy Use Photoshop to create amazing website banners and sliders Udemy
Price: USD 25

    Course details

    Create Website Banners or Sliders in Photoshop CC

    Learn how to create Website Banners and Sliders both static and animated using Photoshop CC.

    Create Website Banners or Sliders in Photoshop CC: Learn how to create Website Banners and Sliders both static and animated using Photoshop CC.

    "Ever wanted to produce sell or add Banners to your website?...
    ...If the answer is yes then this is the course for you!"

    In this course I will show you how to create a banner from scratch features of this course are:

    • Create two static Banners in Photoshop
    • Modify the Banners and create animated .GIF files
    • Understand limitations of colours in the .GIF format
    • Work and think about how to approach banner creation

    Why this course?

    • This course is quick! I mean really quick you can be up to speed in less than an hour!
    • Full breakdown of what I am doing, leaving no stone unturned!
    • Save hundreds of poundsyou will not have to get a webdesigner to do the work!
    • Have fun learning a new skill
    • Be able to talk confidentally with other designers about banner designing!

    Whos the course good for?

    In a word everyone!

    • Students or designers wanting to learn more about web graphics
    • Complete newbies to Photoshop

    Get learning today with UK ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE

    Updated on 21 December, 2016
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