British Academy For Training & Development Six Sigma Lean for Excellence British Academy For Training & Development
Price: GBP 3,384

    Course details

    Course Description:

    Lean Six Sigma is a managerial concept combining Lean and Six Sigma that results in the elimination of the eight kinds of wastes / muda (classified as Defects, Overproduction, Waiting, Non-Utilized Talent, Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Extra-Processing) and provision of goods and service at a rate of defects per million opportunities (DPMO). A mnemonic for the wastes is ";

    Six Sigma is a proven systematic approach to improve measurable results for any organization. Lean is a process to identify and eliminate sources of waste and activities that do not add value to create maximum productivity.

    The Six Sigma Lean Green and Black Belt training takes organizations to the next level by uniting product and process excellence with goals such as improving customer service and/or enhancing shareholder value creation. Leaders in today's organizations are turning to the Six Sigma Lean Green and Black Belt training to ensure their competitive edge, improve service and build the skill base needed to sustain performance improvement.

    How attendees will benefit?

    After completion of the programme, delegates will know the:

    Process improvement programme that combines two ideas: Lean - a collection of techniques for reducing the time needed to provide products or services, and Six Sigma -a collection of techniques for improving the quality of products and services, substantially contributing to increased customer satisfaction.
    Course Content:
    •     History of Six Sigma
    •     Where Did the Name "Six Sigma" Come From?
    •     History of the Six Sigma Black Belt Naming Convention
    •     Six Sigma Evolution Clarified
    •     Remembering Bill Smith, Father of Six Sigma
    •     Six Sigma Costs And Savings
    •     In His 100th Year, Juran Still an Advocate for Quality
    • Application and Cases
    Course Style:
    • Lecture or One-to-One training style.
    • In house training.
    • Group Training.
    • Practical Training.
    • We provide this course in any place and at any time suitable for you.
    Updated on 12 February, 2018

    Eligibility / Requirements

    This program is designed for those who are responsible for, or are looking to contribute to, high impact projects by incorporating Lean Six Sigma methodology.

    About British Academy For Training & Development

    British Academy For Training & Development (BATD) is one of the leading Academies across the world in training and development solutions. Our vision has been workable, achievable and realistic, our resources to contributed to achieving it.  Our services are open to all levels of organizations and people, since we believe in enabling and enhancing knowledge and skills. We operate in different parts of the world in more than 35 countries.

    Through our specialized work in Management, Media, PR and Information Technology, we are working to:
    - Improve organizational performance through customized training and development solutions.
    - Enhance people’s skills and their ability to embrace changing career patterns, global mobility, technological developments and new ways of working.
    - Provide organizations and individuals with unique opportunities to exchange business and management experience and knowledge on a global level.
    - Provide customized and VIP training with very flexible and comfortable services for our values costumers.

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