British Academy For Training & Development Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning British Academy For Training & Development
Price: ZAR 82,918

    Course details

    Course Description:

    This short certificate course is specifically structured to entice and inspire so-called non-planners or the planning and development related professionals and disciplines to acquire new and additional skills and knowledge in the challenging urban and regional planning domain - to enable them to better contribute to the various planning and development ; 

    The new integrated and multi-facetted nature of urban and regional planning increasingly requires the inputs, active participation and involvement of various role players such as: officials and managers from various sector departments (in all levels of government), municipal councilors, community organisations and business, and various related development professionals.

    Many of these role players are involved on a daily basis in various aspects of urban and regional planning such the IDP, Spatial Development Frameworks, Land Use Management and zoning processes, township establishment processes, settlement planning, planning policies, and the legal aspects of planning and planning applications.

    How attendees will benefit?

    After completion of the programme, delegates will be able to:
    • A new understanding of how urban regions function within the larger urban space economy as well as the challenges facing urban regions
    • An understanding of the institutional and legal frameworks guiding planning and development.
    • Knowledge on the basic principles of National, Provincial and Metropolitan/municipal Planning
    • Knowledge and understanding of spatial planning from broad scale metro planning to local planning
    • Understanding of the challenges, legalities and technicalities of land use management - with specific reference to zoning and township establishment processes
    • Knowledge on the basic principles of settlement planning and urban design
    Course Content:
    • Overview of urban and regional problems and challenges
    • Overview on the various policies and Acts guiding the planning system and processes in South Africa
    • Introduction to National and Provincial planning
    • Introduction to Metropolitan and Municipal Development Planning
    • Introduction to Spatial Planning and Land Use Management
    • Introduction to settlement planning and urban design
    • We provide this course in any place and at any time suitable for course is provided in VIP or standard forms. For more information contact BATD team.
    Updated on 04 February, 2018

    Eligibility / Requirements

    This course is open for all staff of different levels from different departments in private and public sectors.

    About British Academy For Training & Development

    British Academy For Training & Development (BATD) is one of the leading Academies across the world in training and development solutions. Our vision has been workable, achievable and realistic, our resources to contributed to achieving it.  Our services are open to all levels of organizations and people, since we believe in enabling and enhancing knowledge and skills. We operate in different parts of the world in more than 35 countries.

    Through our specialized work in Management, Media, PR and Information Technology, we are working to:
    - Improve organizational performance through customized training and development solutions.
    - Enhance people’s skills and their ability to embrace changing career patterns, global mobility, technological developments and new ways of working.
    - Provide organizations and individuals with unique opportunities to exchange business and management experience and knowledge on a global level.
    - Provide customized and VIP training with very flexible and comfortable services for our values costumers.

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