Study 365 Sage 50 Study 365
  • Duration / Course length: Upto 8 Hours Start now
  • Accredited by: CPDiAP
  • Certificates:
  • Course delivery: This course is delivered in video format

Course details

Whether you’re a small business owner, an accountant or are simply hoping to get certified for your skills, this course is a great fit for your career. Sage 50 is the most popular accounting software and is used by over 400,000 businesses. If you learn to use Sage 50 effectively it can be extremely useful and can help business managers to run their organisation smoothly and efficiently! This course covers everything you need to know, in an easy-to-understand format. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be an expert, even if you’re a beginner this course will build knowledge step-by-step. Sage 50 is a business accounting software which is very popular in accounting organisations and small to medium-size businesses. It is a popular accounting tool that will give you the confidence to apply it in your day to day accounting tasks. Sage 50 will make you efficient, simplifying your accounting tasks. Qualifying in this course will give you a recognised qualification that will open the door to gaining exciting employment opportunities, or even managing the finance in your own business.

PLEASE NOTE: Sage 50 Software is not provided with this package. All learners are required to have purchase software separately.

Course Curriculum

1. Introduction to Sage 50
2. Sage Basics
3. Inventory
4. Employee
5. Banking
6. Maintenance and File Handling
7. Manager and Jobs
8. Budget and Charts
9. Account Management and Customer Setup
10. Job and Vendor Setup
11. Inventory and Employee Setup
12. Security Setup
13. ACTI Link
14. Tasks Overview
15. Forms, Reports, and Recap  

Who is it for?

This online Sage 50 Training course is aimed at individuals, small business owners and management teams who want to learn how to use Sage 50.

Course Description

This Sage 50 training course is comprehensive and is designed to cover the key areas listed under the curriculum below. This course has been designed for 8 guided learning hours;
PLEASE NOTE: We do not provide tutor support for this course

Method of Assessment

At the end of the course learners will also take an online multiple choice questions assessment test. This online multiple choice questions test is marked automatically so you will receive an instant grade and know whether you have passed the course.


Successful candidates will be awarded a certificate for “Sage 50 Training”. Updated on 13 March, 2024

Eligibility / Requirements

  • Learners must be age 16 or over and should have basic understanding of the English Language, numeracy, literacy and ICT.

About Study 365

Study 365 is an online course provider, offering more than 400 courses to students across the globe. We have built a solid reputation which has elevated us to become one of the most trusted and reliable course providers in the online learning marketplace. With over 100,000 students on our books, we’re the preferred choice for many online learners.

  • Unrivalled choice

At Study 365, we offer a diverse range of online courses, where students can study everything from accounting, to design, beauty therapy, IT and education and training. All of our courses are completely relevant to the real world, so you can gain vital skills applicable to your chosen career.

  • Accessible and affordable

We aim to make it easy to help you gain new skills, so you’ll find that many of our courses are open to students without previous experience or qualifications. Of course, if you’re looking for a course that builds on existing skills, we offer these too, in which case, entry requirements may be stipulated. Crucially, our courses are affordable, making it easy for anyone to kick-start a new career.

  • Informative and secure

With our comprehensive course information, we make it simple for you to decide if a particular course is right for you. As well as detailing what the course involves, we reveal who might suit the course, and what career path you could take with it. With real student reviews, you can also find out what others have to stay from their experience of a course.
Once you’ve chosen a course, getting started is quick and fuss-free. Our online system is very secure, so your personal details will be kept safe at all times.

  • Learn at your own pace

Many people choose to study online because they have other commitments in their daily lives, such as juggling family and work. The beauty of learning through Study 365 is that you can learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home, at any time of day or night, on any device, to suit your personal circumstances. This flexibility means studying with us is easy, even if your life is already busy.

  • Expert tutor support

Although you learn on your own with our courses, we appreciate that you’ll need expert guidance to make sure you’re on the right track and to offer support as and when it’s needed. That’s why each course is supported by professional tutors who are experienced and knowledgeable in your chosen course topic.

  • As good as the classroom

As an expert online course provider, we understand that students expect the same level of course quality as if they were in a classroom situation. At Study 365, all of our courses have been meticulously designed, so they easily rival any style of course offered in a classroom setting.

  • Versatile and motivated learning

We appreciate that some students can find it hard to motivate themselves to learn online under their own initiative, so we’ve tried to make the courses as inspiring and interesting as possible, to ensure students stay motivated, from start to finish. Tuition comes in the form of professional video tutorials, narrated e-learning modules, interactive quizzes, tests and exams.

  • Assessment and certification

To show understanding of your learning, you’ll be assessed by Study 365 on completion of your modules. 

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