Course details
Break down automationwith our tasty and easy to learn Chef tutorial!
Writeyour own code and design your infrastructure from scratch to buildthe perfect combination of machines for your need. Building andconfiguring your perfect cloud infrastructure shouldn't be hard -and with Chef it really isn't.
Chefis a collection of configuration management tools, that can help youcode exactly how your infrastructure should look, behave and evolve.You write pieces of codes in Ruby, which are… + Read More
Course details
Break down automationwith our tasty and easy to learn Chef tutorial!
Writeyour own code and design your infrastructure from scratch to buildthe perfect combination of machines for your need. Building andconfiguring your perfect cloud infrastructure shouldn't be hard -and with Chef it really isn't.
Chefis a collection of configuration management tools, that can help youcode exactly how your infrastructure should look, behave and evolve.You write pieces of codes in Ruby, which are known as recipes, thatare used to configure systems. These recipes are then deployed tomultiple serves, which then follow the instructions defined in thecookbook.
Ifyou want to become a chef and write the ultimate cookbook for yourcloud architectures, then here is where you can start!
Ourawesome course on Chef has been designed with the perfect combinationof sweet and spicy to help you not only learn Chef, but also show youexactly how you can build the best stack. No more daunting concepts,that cover just theory and leave you more confused. Our'Understanding Chef' tutorial will take you on a journey oflearning Chef.
Inthis course, you will not only jump into Chef and it's functions,but instead you will become familiar with it as you build a completereal-world example from the ground up. The course is a long lab thatwill take you through the features and functions of Chef by buildingan actual LAMP stack. Our hands-on approach to the course, will notonly help you learn the basics but also actively build components onthe development stack such as Apache Web Server, MySQL server, andPHP.
Fromworking with Chef, to writing your own recipes and building your ownblueprint, this course can help you through it all!
Enrollnow and become a master chef of automation!
Updated on 22 March, 2018 - Read Less