Udemy Ultimate HTML and CSS course for Absolute Beginners 2015 Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    Welcome to Ultimate HTML + CSS course for Absolute Beginners!

    Taking this course you'll definitely acquire the knowledge of HTML/CSS and in the nearest future you'll be able to gradually increase your skills and, as a result, to become a brilliant front end developer.

    During this course you will learn such basic notions of HTML as:

    • HTML documents,
    • types of HTML documents
    • creating of HTML documents.

    We will also familiarize you with various HTML tags and special characters.

    You`ll be able to create lists, tables and sign up forms for your web site.

    What is more, you`ll know how to embed audio and video content in HTML document.

    On grasping the HTML material you`ll be ready for learning CSS. Here you are provided with all the necessary information on this part of the course: applying CSS to HTML, formatting text with the means of CSS, a great variety of stylistic properties and much more. At the end of the course you`ll have a perfect opportunity to refine your understanding by putting your knowledge into practice.

    Following our instructions, you`ll create a simple registration form combining your acquired skills in HTML and CSS.

    This course is a wonderful chance for those, who would like to discover the basic notions of web development.

    We suggest you to use it as a starting point in your becoming a skillful specialist.

    Don`t miss it - just grasp it!

    Updated on 10 September, 2015
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